Trying to migrate my CakeFest app for this year’s event, I made some notes regarding the upgrade process from 2.x to 3.x.
I completed them during the upgrade of my Sandbox app to 3.0. And adjusted them after RC2 and 3.0.0 stable again while upgrading 2 more apps and 5+ plugins.
Initial steps and requirements
The following were given in my case:
- The app was already
ed (as it should be for all CakePHP 2 apps) and thus "composer" was already available - I used a 2.x setup with ROOT dir as APP dir directly (which seemed to cause some trouble later on)
- I used GIT for version control and supervise each upgrade step (which also caused some trouble)
Also make sure you covered the following reading material:
As a side note: It is also wise to follow the 3.0 development, read the PRs and proposed as well as recent changes.
Let’s go
By the time I wrote this I still had to tweak and fix the Upgrade tool along with it, so bear with me if something is not perfectly in sync here.
I first made sure I got a clean 2.x app with the latest (right now 2.6) changes, as outlined in previous posts regarding "how to prepare 2.x apps for 3.x".
I also used a "AppUsesCorrection" tool I have written to move all inline App::uses()
statements to the top of the file. This was a left over from earlier days and will
screw up the files if not taken care off.
I also started to use the Shim plugin a while back for all my 2.x apps to make sure I already shimmed as much as possible towards 3.x, so the now required changes are minimal. If you already know you want to upgrade sooner or later, save time and shim "ahead".
Then I basically downloaded and initialized the Upgrade tool and ran the all
command on my app and plugins separately.
In case something goes boom, better run the commands individually and verify the changes after each command (and commit them away).
Afterwards I adjusted my composer.json file for 3.0 and used composer update
to get all new dependencies.
Here you should also make sure all dependencies like plugins are available as 3.0 versions, otherwise temporally remove/exclude them for now if possible.
Also don’t forget the new autoload
and autoload-dev
parts in the composer file.
A first try run revealed that I had still a lot of manual work to do in /config
- config/app(_local).php
- core.php (deprecated) => bootstrap.php
- database.php (deprecated) ) => app(_local).php
- routes.php
A tip here: IMO it is wise to not directly modify app.php as changes along the line will be harder to spot.
Instead I keep the file as it is (default) and just use a second one app_custom.php
on top to overwrite/complete it where necessary.
I also use a third app_local.php
, which is not under version control (.gitignore), to store non-commitable stuff like keys, salts, passwords etc.
Configure::load('app', 'default', false);
Configure::load('app_custom', 'default');
Configure::load('app_local', 'default'); // Not under version control
I found a lot of namespaces to be missing, as a lot of App::uses()
have been left out in 2.x. It still worked there, as without namespaces it only needs it once per dispatching. But now it fails hard. So if you didn’t add the missing ones back in 2.x, you need to do that now at least.
I developed a tool to do that, the opposite of the unused_use fixer pretty much. This is very complex though. as it is not
always clear what package the use statements need to come from. It needs some config overhead.
I also had to remove the table prefixes as they are not supported in 3.x using my new CakePHP 3 Setup plugin DbMaintenance shell command cake Setup.DbMaintenance table_prefixes
. It removed them in a few seconds. Afterwards my Table classes were able to find the tables again.
Afterwards I already tried to access a public page. Got quite a few things I had to manually take care of now:
Manual changes
Change public $uses = array('User');
to public $modelClass = 'User';
. If there are multiple statements, this has to be resolved afterwards on top, using
The routes file will most likely also have to be adjusted by hand. The (admin) prefixes are the change that sticks out most.
But it is more repetitive than difficult to adjust the routes.
Bear in mind that you can easily set the fallback route class to InflectedRoute here first to handle them just as 2.x did:
Router::defaultRouteClass('InflectedRoute'); // Use DashedRoute for new 3.x projects
All the URLs usually are now more case sensitive (and CamelCased/camelBacked)
// Before
Router::url(['admin' => true, 'plugin' => 'my_plugin',
'controller' => 'my_controller', 'action' => 'my_action'])
// After
Router::url(['prefix' => 'admin', 'plugin' => 'MyPlugin',
'controller' => 'MyController', 'action' => 'myAction'])
Also make sure, you dont use the prefix values directly (admin
, …) anymore, but the prefix key itself:
// Before
'loginAction' => ['admin' => false, 'plugin' => false,
'controller' => 'account', 'action' => 'login'],
// After
'loginAction' => ['prefix' => false, 'plugin' => false,
'controller' => 'Account', 'action' => 'login'],
E.g. for the AuthComponent config here. Otherwise it will redirect you to the prefixed URL instead as admin
is not recognized anymore.
The auth code in the AppController and login action needed to be adjusted.
In the controller, it is not via properties anymore, but Auth->config()
. The login action needs identify()
and setUser()
Array => Entity
With the array to entity changes a lot of view files cannot be fixed with the Upgrade shell, and stuff like echo $profile['User']['id']
has to be refactored into echo $profile->user['id']
, for example.
As $user['User']['id']
would be $user['id']
now, there are changes across all MVC layers to be applied in order for the functionality to work again as expected.
For all my own custom replacements I collected them and made a Custom task over time to avoid having to do this all over again across multiple apps or plugins.
I therefore forked the Upgrade plugin.
When working with date(time) fields I also had to do some special refactoring, as some older apps had 0000-00-00 00:00:00
stored as null
/default value.
This is quite unfortunate, as with Carbone and Time class, this would create negative values, which blows everywhere.
So I created a Setup.DbMaintenance dates
command in the Setup plugin to refactor those fields and their content into the proper value.
The same goes for foreign keys and '0'
stored in wrong DEFAULT NOT NULL
columns. With the Setup.DbMaintenance foreign_keys
command you can also clean those up (DEFAULT NULL
It would be quite the task to rewrite the whole validation with all the models and their $validate properties. So here I just used the Shim plugin from above and kept the old syntax to save time. The same for relations and a lot of other model properties. It then only needed minimal adjustments, like adding 'provider' => 'table'
for isUnique
rule or changing notEmpty
to notBlank
Virtual fields
Mixing them with the fields array itself is not so easy anymore.
You can use closures to help out:
// For your find('all', $options) $options
'fields' => function ($query) {
return [
'jobtype', // Normal field
'num' => $query->func()->count('*'), // COUNT(*)
'fetchdelay' => $query->func()->avg('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fetched) - IF(notbefore is NULL, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(notbefore))'), // Something more complex
'age' => $query->newExpr()->add('IFNULL(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, NOW(), notbefore), 0)'), // Custom expression
The Locale
folder is inside src
, but the subfolders changed quite a bit. It is now flat, just two-letter country codes, for Germany the po file would be located in /src/Locale/de/
now (instead of .../Locale/deu/LC_MESSAGES/
View ctps
These template files also have to change quite a bit.
For starters, the above array to entity conversion introduces a lot of change.
Also, all static calls now have to be handled by either importing the classes via use ...;
statement at the top of each file, or you can wrap them with a helper.
A quickfix would be to just class_alias()
them, e.g. the Configure::...()
calls would need a lot of use statements you can omit if you put the following in your bootstrap.php
class_alias('Cake\Core\Configure', 'Configure');
Now, all Configure::read()
calls work again in the ctps.
If you don’t directly output your inline assets, but add them to the "scripts" block to be outputted together in the layout, you will have to change the method calls.
It used to be 'inline' => true/false
, now it is:
$this->Html->css('jquery/galleriffic', ['block' => true]);
$this->Html->script('jquery/jquery.galleriffic', ['block' => true]);
In your layout ctp you can then keep the echo $this->fetch('css');
and echo $this->fetch('script');
part as it was in 2.x.
Tricky ones
Tricky as in "not ease to spot"…
The !empty PHP bug I mentioned a while back.
I had a pagination index view where I iterate over all users and display something else if there are none (yet). This fails, now, though, as the empty check will always return false:
<?php foreach ($users as $user) {} ?>
<?php if (empty($users)) {} ?>
The empty check needs to be this way in order to work as expected:
<?php if (!count($users)) {] ?>
Or, when you know it is a query finder object:
<?php if ($users->count()) {] ?>
Same with:
while ($records = $this->_table->find('all', $params)) {}
This will run endless now. Here either add ->toArray()
or use a streamable result.
UPDATE Since recently (3.0.4?) you can also use ->isEmpty()
as check on any Query or Collection object:
$result = $this->TableName->find()->...;
if ($result->isEmpty()) {}
I used the Shim plugin and the support for find(first)
and find(count)
, but even then you need to make sure that for find(first)
you don’t forget to adjust all those $options
regarding keyField
and valueField
which are now required to be set if you plan on using non displayField values, as the "fields" list is ignored for it (used to work to filter on 2 fields and it automatically used those).
Magic/Dynamic finders
Careful with those, like findByUsername()
. In 2.x. those returned find(first) results (limit 1 so to speak), in 3.x. those need an additional ->first()
appended to have the same result.
Trait or Behavior?
You might run into this when refactoring your models and behaviors.
In 2.x behaviors had the problem that they didn’t work for non-primary models, and as such where often too limited and one probably tried to workaround it using traits.
In 3.x that limitation is gone.
I think the main idea behind behaviors keeps the same: If you want to dynamically attach and detach functionality to your models, this is the way to go. Traits are too static for this. Traits, on the other hand will be necessary if you want to cleanly overwrite Table methods, see the SoftDelete trait for an example. In that case you just can’t do this dynamically.
Additionally, behaviors can more easily be configured using built-in config() and they can be aliased easily. The downsite might be speed, which is neglectable, though.
So try behaviors first, then fallback to traits IMO.
All in all quite a lot of migration steps can be (partially) automated, which will help a lot for larger applications where it would just be super-tedious to do that manually on such a scale. But most of the ORM changes need manual code changes, which makes it really a time-intensive task for medium apps and above.
Using shims, coding wisely ahead of time, avoiding hacks or non-wrapper low-level functions, all those can help to ease migration. In the end you just have to swallow the bitter pill and get it over with. It is worth it!
how can use public $modelClass to load muliple model. Please explain in brief
You don’t. You only include the primary model this way. All others need to be included with
as documented.