New CakePHP Resources


Video Tutorials I stumpled upon it by accident today: A great new cake site devoted to all kinds of video tutorials related to CakePHP. There are not only screencasts for beginners but also for more experienced developers, as well…

GoogleMapsV3 CakePHP Helper


This is a helper to generate GoogleMap maps (dynamic and static ones) in your CakePHP views. Note: Google Maps API V2 is marked "deprecated". API V3 is supposed to be faster and more compatible to mobile browsers. Details Also new:…

Flattr CakePHP Helper


Get "Flattred" As you can see wordpress (and my blog) already has a Flattr plugin (for posts) and a widget (for the sidebar). With a little helper you can easily integrate Flattr to your site – the "cake way". I…

Internet Tips and Tricks


Youtube Links exact to the second Using a timestamp we can now post and share youtube links with a specific starting point. Format: …#t={x}m{y}s (x = minutes, y = seconds) Example: Now the video starts at 2 minutes and…