About us

Who we are

It’s mainly me, Mark. I am a developer from Berlin, Germany.
I started this blog back in 2009.

Near Future:


Why English – I am asked by some German fellows.
Well, why addressing only 4% if you can address all 100% of CakePHP-users?
And nowadays, any programmer that does not speak/understand English is in the wrong business, anyway.

Any non-English comments usually get deleted (most of the world probably wouldn’t understand it).
Nobody expects perfect sentences – but please try to cut down the spelling mistakes as well as possible.
TIP: Google Chrome Browser comes with a built-in spell checker. Give it a try!


Do you want to blog about a specific topic? Contact us!

You may also contact us if you are interested in working with us. You can learn CakePHP and help on some of our projects (management suite, social network site, plugins, …).