Introducing the EmailLib


This is a good example of how useful it can be to even extend some basic core classes to enhance them and fit them to your needs. In this case we extend the CakeEmail Utility Lib class and add some…

E_STRICT compliance in Cake


In PHP5.4 E_STRICT will be automatically be part of E_ALL. So it might be a good idea to get your code E_STRICT ready. I have to say: I never bothered myself. Always used E_ALL & ~E_STRICT (the second part will…


PHP5.4 is out


In case you haven’t heard yet (pretty much impossible, isn’t it): PHP5.4 has been released. In a previous post I already pointed out the possibilities for traits – although I am not quite sure yet how it could benefit current…

Some new crazy (Cake)PHP tricks


Crazy – because these tips are not used that often probably. But for some rare occasions they might come in handy. Inserting some rows into an array $array = array( 'one', 'two', 'three' ); $newValue = 'one-point-five'; //with 0 as…