
Creating a logo with ChatGPT


Yes, another one talking about it 🙂 This is more of a fun anecdote actually, though. Preface Many of us used ChatGPT already for weeks to get creative answers for different questions or tasks in text form. Easy. Some also…

Font icons in CakePHP apps


Everyone uses font icons these days. The most common, most powerful library seems to be FontAwesome. But also BootstrapIcons is used quite a bit. Not so common yet are Material and Feather as icon libraries. Some of those also use…

Improved CakePHP ErrorHandler


Some might already know the improved error handler parts of the Tools plugin from CakePHP 2 or 3. Here I rewrite and publish those now for the 2020 CakePHP 4 scope. Motivation The main goal of the error.log is to…

Leverage your IDE


Using the example of PhpStorm 2020.1 and a state-of-the-art CakePHP 4 app. Preliminary remarks The following ideally should adhere to any IDE and framework. I just can’t verify and confirm them all, thus the selection at hand. Please be so…

Flash Messages in CakePHP 4


This replaces the old and outdated v2+ article about this topic. Looking back at v3 As the old article was still from CakePHP 2 days, the CakePHP 3 version was already its own plugin. It was moved to a standalone…